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Solution The format to issue this command is <number> DELAY
This command causes a delay affecting all activity on the client � events, alarms,queued commands and even prop animations � for the duration specified by number. In other words, it stops all activity on the client for n seconds where n is the time you decide.

Delay times are measured in ticks (1/60 of a second) Note that SETALARM and ALARMEXEC are preferred since they don't lock up all processes on the client, although use of the DELAY command might be appropriate in a game, or as a penalty for breaking some house rule. The following example from the Iptscrae manual suggests one possible use:

foulMouthFlag GLOBAL
{ USERNAME ", you have been flagged for swearing. You have been sentenced to 30 seconds of dead time. If you persist you will be kicked off the server." & LOCALMSG
1800 DELAY
} foulMouthFlag 1 == IF }
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Article ID: 226
Category: Room Scripts
Date added: 07-11-2011 20:42:03
Views: 395
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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