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Age Script Article not rated yet
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:20px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information img { margin-left:5px; m...
Allscray Article rated 5.0/5.0
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information Allscray: Basic things to...
All see ME WEBEMBED Article rated 5.0/5.0
This can be changed in many ways but here's the basic script, Enjoy! ON INCHAT { { "http://urlgoeshere" ME WEBEMBED } CHATSTR "play movie" == IF }
Animated .GIF - Color/B&W Script by kurosaki Article rated 5.0/5.0
Animated .GIF - Ghost/Human Script by kurosaki Article not rated yet
Animated .GIF - Left/Right Click Pause & Play Script by kurosaki Article not rated yet
Animated .GIF - SAY anistop/anistart by kurosaki Article not rated yet
Animated .GIF - Pause/Play Script by kurosaki Article not rated yet
Animated .GIF - Sensor/Screen Scripts by kurosaki Article not rated yet
Animation Bundle Article not rated yet
;Simplest animation script Ive seen written by Foxy ON ENTER { 1 ME SETALARM } ON ALARM { 6 pics = ;change 6 to the number of pictures you have ME GETSPOTSTATE 1 + DUP pics / pics * - ;make 30 hi...
Animation Delay Script Article rated 1.0/5.0
ON ENTER{ 0 ME SETALARM } ON ALARM { ;The number of pics you wish to animate. 15 num_pics = ;The time each image shows for, in ticks 30 num_ticks = ;The delay between each loop, in ticks 36...
Animation Script (Random) Article not rated yet
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ON ENTER { 1 ME SETALARM }...
Animation Script (In Order) Article rated 5.0/5.0
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ON ENTER { 1 ME SETALARM }...
Apartment Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
;Apartment Script by Glide ;The script is set up so the first person in the room is the room owner. ;To assign this room permanently to someone by name... ;remove the 2nd line in the ON ENTER secti...
Apartment Script MultiOwner Article not rated yet
;Apartment Script by Glide ;rescripted by Ravenwood Partsong for Multiple Owners 2014 ; ;The script is set up so the first person in the room is the room owner. ;To assign thi...
Apartment with Theater Scripts Article not rated yet
;Door 1 ;Apartment Script ;Solution ;Apartment Script by Glide ;The script is set up so the first person in the room is the room owner. ;To assign this room permanently to someone by name.....
Auto dimmer on timer Article not rated yet
ON ENTER { ptime GLOBAL hr GLOBAL 10 ME SETALARM { { DATETIME 86400 % ti = ti 3600 / 5 - hr = } { DATETIME 2147483647 + 86400 % 11647 + 86400 % ti = ti 3600 / hr = } DATETIME 0 >= IFELSE { 24 ...
Auto Dress on Enter Article rated 1.0/5.0
Make a door ... Insert this script ON ENTER{ [ -770512421 ] SETPROPS } Put on av and get the PID. Change the number in the brackets to the right pid.
Auto page button Article not rated yet
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ****This script can be pla...
Av Rooms for MAC users *BigMac/BigRick donation* Article rated 5.0/5.0
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information CONTAINER - Put this secti...
Av room script 4 door Article not rated yet
selene hunted this one down ;) Door # 1 ;this is the only spot that is required! ;Simply put lines of data in here, according to the comment below ;script by Foxy Next ON ALARM { [ ;a...
Background Change Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ****This is one of the bes...
Background change script #2 Article rated 1.0/5.0
Code: { ON SELECT { 14 pics = ME GETSPOTSTATE 1 + DUP pics / pics * - ME SETSPOTSTATE } } This is a neat little script, as you see you simply add where the 14 is the number of back grounds y...
Backward talk Article not rated yet
ON ENTER { "Instructions in log" STATUSMSG "Welcome to Backwards Speak" LOGMSG "Type 'back on' to turn Back Speak on" LOGMSG "Type 'back off' to turn Back Speak ...
Banner Article rated 5.0/5.0
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ON ENTER { { "W" localmsg...
Bartender Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON ENTER { { GLOBAL }[ range menu msgpos lmsg1 lmsg2 lmsg3 lmsg4 barname ]FOREACH ;Storm Palace Hosting Customizable Bar Script ;Made By: 'Star' 'zina' and 'Spyder' ;*******************Customize B...
Basic Mouse over Article rated 5.0/5.0
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ;Basic mouseover script ;...
Bite Article not rated yet
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ;Basic mouseover script ;...
BRB Script Article rated 3.0/5.0
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ;Alan's inactivity timer s...
Censor Script ( GLOBAL ) Article not rated yet
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:20px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information img { margin-left:5px; m...
Change View Script Article rated 3.0/5.0
ON ENTER { "@353,12 Click the lamp shade to change the view" SAY } ON SELECT { { 0 ME SETSPOTSTATE } { ME GETSPOTSTATE 1+ ME SETSPOTSTATE } ME GETSPOTSTATE 6> IFELSE }
Clear Gate Article rated 5.0/5.0
This is a way to allow members to log onto your gate, but will either move them along to another room or give them a message telling them what is about to happen and giving them a choice of choosing t...
Counter Article not rated yet
ON SELECT { {ME GetSpotState 1 + state =}{0 state =} ME GetSpotState 2 < IFELSE state ME SetSpotState } Make three doors with your number pics 0-9 in each one. Door for ones ON ENTER { ...
Day/Night Article rated 5.0/5.0
;Changes the spot picture based on time of day. ;- the first picture shows during the day, the second picture shows at night. ON ENTER { 0 ME SETALARM } ON ALARM { ;***Set your time data here...
Delay Article not rated yet
The format to issue this command is <number> DELAY This command causes a delay affecting all activity on the client � events, alarms,queued commands and even prop animations � for...
Dimmer Switch Article rated 3.4/5.0
ID 1 OUTLINE 6,366 22,366 22,378 6,378 LOC 14,372 SCRIPT ON INCHAT { lstat GLOBAL CHATSTR lstat = 30 ME SETALARM } ON ALARM{ lev GLOBAL lstat GLOBAL { 0 lev = } lstat "light&quo...
Doorlocks Article not rated yet
DoorLocks One of the greatest mysteries and seems to be the hardest for people to grasp are making lockable doors. There are also different versions of this script out there that will either l...
Dungeon Script_Simple Article not rated yet
NOTES FOR ENTRY: ALL STORM CLIENTS: If help is needed personalizing or entering this script please message a Storm Hosting Tech. We are, as always, happy to help. 1. When adding to the command lis...
Email Script Article rated 4.0/5.0
Email Scipt Add this to a door and make the door "dont move here" and change the to your e-mail address.For an expample of this script look in downloadz in MP ...
Enter (Entry) Sound after delay apon enter Article not rated yet
ON ENTER { { "sound.wav" SOUND } 1200 ALARMEXEC }
Fade name Palace logo Article not rated yet
;The script assumes the first picture slot in the door is empty and the actual picture be in the second slot. ;Also that the state of the door be set to zero. ON ENTER { op GLOBAL 0 op = 200 M...
Forward slide script Article not rated yet
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 ON ENTER \par \{\par "`hide" SAY \pa...
Global chat Article not rated yet
;Place the following script in all rooms in which you want people to be able to ;send messages to people in other rooms. ;An Owner/operator must be in the room and says "globalchat on" or ...
God Only Room Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON ENTER { {"This room is Gods only" LOCALMSG } { "Sorry Only Gods Allowed In This Room." LOCALMSG 86 GOTOROOM } ISGOD IFELSE } or ..... ON ENTER { { "...
GOTOROOM(s) Article rated 1.0/5.0
Gotoroom This is a random gotoroom script if you want to use this in something like lasertag. They click on the door and can be sent to anyone of those rooms at random. ON SELECT { [ 100 101 1...
Hell Script Article not rated yet
A Cool Hell Script Put this in the gate: ON INCHAT { dpn GLOBAL { 1 dpn = 100 GOTOROOM } CHATSTR "chill out" == WHOCHAT WHONAME "[*]" GREPSTR AND ISWIZARD NOT AND IF } ON SIG...
Hide ON ENTER Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON ENTER { "'hide on" SAY } ON LEAVE { "'hide off" SAY }
Hide Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON ENTER { "'hide on" SAY } ON LEAVE { "'hide off" SAY }
Higher score Yahtzee Article rated 5.0/5.0
changed the 2nd to last version of Foxy's yahtzee 6 script to a higher more fair scoring system I think were full house & half house both score 60 each. I raised straights to 70, 80, 90 points. Ya...
Inactivity Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
;Alan's inactivity timer script ;Moves a user to a special room if he/she has not spoken in X minutes. ON ENTER { inactivecount GLOBAL 0 inactivecount = 3600 ME SETALARM } ON OUTCHAT { i...
Interactive Room Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
For Interactive rooms: ON SELECT{ [1256596272 ] SETPROPS } Replace the red PID with an invisible av PID To make an invisible av Open your prop bag Click NEW Click the word HEAD to make t...
ISGOD/ISWIZARD Article not rated yet
ISGOD/ISWIZARD If you want a God only room, first god up and type 'wizardsonly, then place this script in the room.. ON ENTER { { 86 GOTOROOM } ISGOD NOT IF } Wizards can try and enter the ro...
Light Switch Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
Install this script into a door to create a working light switch in your room. Written and Donated by Master Atos ON SELECT { tempVar GLOBAL { 1 tempVar = 25 DIMROOM} { 0 tempVar = 100 DI...
Link room script Article not rated yet
ON ENTER { picsspot GLOBAL numlinks GLOBAL ;change the number 2 for the number of spotID this is. 2 picsspot = ;change the 5 for the number of links you have not counting the title 2 numlinks = ...
Link Script for Web and Palace Article rated 3.7/5.0
Web: ON SELECT { "" NETGOTO } Palace: ON SELECT { "palace://" NETGOTO } or ON SELECT { "palace...
Local Message - In Different locations Article rated 5.0/5.0
Adjust the script to your needs by changing the Coordinants for different locations and AlarmExec for delay in messages ON ENTER { {"@21,19 First you will see this said in palace." L...
Lock Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
Add this script to a door and make sure you make the door type lockable. Then just say lock or unlock to let people who are not operators in. ON ENTER { leve GLOBAL 0 leve = "@9,12 Cli...
Log Separator Script Article not rated yet
ON INCHAT { "---------------------------------" logmsg }
Looping Sound Script Article not rated yet
;Alan's looping sound script ON ENTER { 0 ME SETALARM } ON ALARM { ;************************************************************* ;Enter the name of your sound file in quotes: "waterfa...
Move/Dress User not talking Article not rated yet
selene finds some fun one ;) ;Adds a prop to a user that hasn't talked in a specified number of minutes. ;Moves the user to a special room if the user has not spoken in a specified number minute...
Looping Sound 2 Article not rated yet
ON ENTER { 0 ME SETALARM } ON ALARM { ;************************************************************* ;Enter the name of your sound file in quotes: "thunderrain.wav" soundfile = ;Spe...
LooseProps (deco) Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
once all props are set where you want them type in palace /showlooseprops take the pids and replace whats up above with your own. the keyword "props" can be changed to whatever yo...
Move in a Path Script Article not rated yet
;Alan's Move Person in Path script ;Set the path coordinates in the ON ALARM. ;Place the following script in a door to start the movement: ON ENTER { ;save_position - save my current position s...
Menus & Submenu Article rated 5.0/5.0
;menus and submenus ON ENTER { "Type 'menu' and look in your log window for a list of helpful commands." LOCALMSG } ON OUTCHAT { ;main menu { { LOGMSG } [ "" "*** M...
Move in set path with change of av then to another room Article not rated yet
ON SELECT { jump GLOBAL [2009988720] SETPROPS { 514 272 setpos } 50 ALARMEXEC { 485 272 setpos } 70 ALARMEXEC { 461 271 setpos } 90 ALARMEXEC { 443 271 setpos } 110ALARMEXEC { 421 278 setpos ...
Mouseover 1 Article rated 3.0/5.0
;Mouseover script #1 ;This script changes the state of multiple spots when the mouse is over specified locations in a room. ;Create multiple spots. Place this script in one of them. ;In each spot ...
Mouseover 1a Article rated 1.0/5.0
;Mouseover script 1a ;This script displays a specified message at the mouse position when the mouse is over a specified area. ;Multiple message/locations can be specified. ;Place the following scri...
Multispot Animation Article rated 5.0/5.0
ID 2 OUTLINE 335,74 366,74 366,96 335,96 LOC 350,85 PICTS 8,0,0 2,0,0 3,0,0 4,0,0 5,0,0 6,0,0 7,0,0 ENDPICTS SCRIPT ON ENTER { 0 ME SETSPOTSTATELOCAL } ON ALARM { { 260 1 SETALARM 0 ...
Mouseover 1b Article rated 1.0/5.0
;Mouseover script #1b ;This script displays a message when the mouse is over specified locations. ON ENTER { msgarray GLOBAL [ ;Put messages here in form: "message" *** "Hey,...
Music Script - ON SELECT Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON SELECT { "bell.wav" SOUND ")bell.wav"SAY OR......... ON SELECT { "jwl_enterfromeast.wav" SOUND } ON ENTER { "@43,27 Click the music s...
Music Script - ON ENTER Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON ENTER { "hotelcali.wav" SOUND}
Mouseover2 Article not rated yet
;Mouseover sript #2 ;Create a horizontally shaped door comprised of some number of equally wide segments. ;When the mouse is 'clicked' over different portions of this door ;it will change the door ...
Mouseover 3 Article not rated yet
;Mouseover script #3 ;This script changes the state of its spot to multiple states depending on ;where the mouse is positioned in the spot. ;When the mouse is clicked it sends the user to a predete...
New Years Eve Party Article not rated yet
ROOM ID 259 NOCYBORGS NAME "New Years Eve Party" PICT "anjelzbar3.gif" PICTURE ID 1 NAME "confettifall.gif" TRANSCOLOR 0 ENDPICTURE PICTURE ID 2 NAME "bl...
Mouseover- Basic Article not rated yet
;Basic mouseover script ;This script changes the spot picture of a spot when the mouse is moved over the spot. ON ENTER { 10 ME SETALARM } ON ALARM { ;***************************************...
No BackDoor Entry Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
;Prevents people from entering your palace at other than your gate. ;Place the following in your gate: ON SIGNON { gatelogged GLOBAL 1 gatelogged = } ON ENTER { gatelogged GLOBAL { "Please ...
No Go Back Article not rated yet
I called it no go back for lack of a better word. Lets say you make a room in a quest. There is something that they have to find in there whether its by word spoken or looking for a hidden spot, but...
No Talk Script Article not rated yet
Offer/Accept Article rated 1.0/5.0
The purpose of this script is to be able to swap props member to member without the use of allscray or having to drop props to the floor and picking them up. You wear what you want to "offer&quo...
On Enter Local Message Article not rated yet
ON ENTER { "a simple message ON ENTER " LOCALMSG
On Enter Say Article rated 1.0/5.0
; for entering a room use ON ENTER ON ENTER { "Howdy All !" SUSRMSG { "Hi " USERNAME + first = ", Welcome to " SERVERNAME + second = first second + STATUSMSG } 100 A...
On/Off Animation Article rated 5.0/5.0
On/off curtain animation Article not rated yet
;2 doors needed ; in first door place this script and curtain pic ;Put the following script in a spot. ;Put the pictures you want to be shown in the same spot. ON ENTER { linkspot GLOBAL ME lin...
On/off Say animation Article not rated yet
ON ENTER { "Say on or off to start and stop animation. Animation can also be activated by running your mouse over the door. Thanks to bone for donation of this script. " LOCALMSG 2nd...
One Person Room Script Article not rated yet
only allows one person in room ON ENTER { { 86 GOTOROOM } USERNAME "myusername" == NOT IF }
Only GODS Allowed Article rated 5.0/5.0
Change 86 the the room number you wish unwelcome guests to wind up in...maybe a pool of lava *EG*? ON ENTER { { "I am a God or Godess i can stay" SAY } { "Sorry only Gods Allowed...
Open curtains Article not rated yet
;Put the following script in a door ..marked on off ON SELECT { linkspot GLOBAL cmd GLOBAL "next" cmd = 0 linkspot SETALARM } ;Put the following script in a spot. ;Put the pict...
Palace Name/Logo Fade Script Article not rated yet
This is the script i use to fade the logo in and out at my Palace's gate The script assumes the first picture slot in the door is empty and the actual picture be in the second slot. Also that the ...
Password Entry To A Room Article rated 3.7/5.0
Only the person with the password can enter the room, exempt operators. Quote: Originally Posted by ON SELECT { "change this to say what ever you want." LOCALMSG } ON OUTCHAT { { &q...
Password Scripts Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON OUTCHAT { { "$1" GREPSUB pw = { dta = { dta 1 GET GOTOROOM } pw dta 0 GET == IF } [ [ "class1" 104 ] [ "class2" 117 ] [ "class3" 118 ] [ "p...
Password / Teleport script to rooms Article rated 3.0/5.0
****Example of a script that contains multiple teleport "key words" and various locations.You can choose your own activation words and will have to tailor the room numbers for your needs****...
Picture Viewer Script w/ Next & Previous Buttons Article rated 3.0/5.0
;Alan's picture viewer script ;Put the following script in a spot. ;Put the pictures you want to be shown in the same spot. ON ENTER { linkspot GLOBAL ME linkspot = 0 ME SETSPOTSTATELOCAL } ...
PID Scripts Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON SELECT { ;start ON SELECT event 0 i = "\[ " propids = ;start the string with a " { i userprop itoa propids += ;append the propid to the string " " pr...
Pin room scripts Article not rated yet
Pinroom Scripts There are different variations of pin scripts, but the main idea remains the same. You want the ability to send someone to a room and KEEP them there for a specified amount of time...
Landing Position Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
Land in one spot Change the position of where the people are going to land. You can use msay to find out the position. ON ENTER { 264 349 SETPOS }
Prop Dresser Script Article not rated yet
This script is a prop detection script that will keep dressing them in whatever props you have specified for that room. The only way they would be able to keep "their" props on is if the ro...
Prop Generator w/ Refresh Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
Prop Generator with Refresh Script ;by Foxy First, the script and where to put it: ;Door id 1 Reset Button ON SELECT { cpr GLOBAL prar GLOBAL prar EXEC proparray = 0 cpr = proparray ...
Quiet Gate Article not rated yet
Having a quiet gate is fairly simple. Owners use this script to deter members from hanging at the gate because if you cant talk, why would you want to stay there? Just stick this script in a door....
Rain / Snow Script Article not rated yet
.shakeimage{ position:relative } img { margin-left:5px; margin-right:25px; } Hover mouse on each icon for information ;Rain/show script ;Create...
Redirect Palace Script Article not rated yet
ON SIGNON{ "This palace moved to a new server you'll be sent there in a few seconds, dont forget to bookmark"LOCALMSG {"palace://"NETGOTO}400 ALARMEXEC)
Roll Over Picture Script for Button Article rated 1.0/5.0
**** use two pictures ***** ;START_ONMOUSEMOVE if inspot(spotid,mousex,mousey) then if spotstate(spotid)<>1 then setspotstatelocal(spotid,1) else if spotstate(spotid)<>0 t...
Room Navigation Scripts Article not rated yet
Submitted by selene ;) ;NAV ROOM ; LEFT BUTTON - BACK ON SELECT { picsspot GLOBAL numlinks GLOBAL "click" SOUND { 3 picsspot setspotstatelocal } { picsspot getspotstate 1...
Room Speed Test Article not rated yet
This tests your internet speed. I have also provided the room image I used.Make a "New Room" add the image, add the globals (spot 1) then a door (spot 2) about 300x300 in the center of the ...
Room Transfer Script Article rated 5.0/5.0
Change the number 99 to the room ID No# you want it to move a person to, Change the 400 to higher numbers to delay the time in which to transfer them. or lower to move them faster This is a good l...
Showme prop Room Script Article rated 1.0/5.0
ON ENTER { "@509 158 say SHOWME to preview all props in this room without clicking -- it ESC key if you'd like to halt the script at any point." LOCALMSG "@509 158 ...once you have ...
Sign Appear then Disappear Article rated 1.0/5.0
ON ENTER { 0 ME SETSPOTSTATELOCAL { 1 ME SETSPOTSTATELOCAL } 20 ALARMEXEX { 0 ME SETSPOTSTATELOCAL } 100 ALARMEXEC } Play with the 20 (2 sec.) and the 100 for time the pic is shown and disappear...
Simple Room Scripts Article not rated yet
Here are some simple scripts to paste into spots/doors... ;Make a wav sound play/download when a user enters this room ON ENTER { "sound.wav" SOUND } ;Make a wav...
Slide Script in Room Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON SELECT { {266 80 SETPOS } 50 ALARMEXEC {267 118 SETPOS } 100 ALARMEXEC {267 185 SETPOS } 150 ALARMEXEC {236 215 SETPOS } 200 ALARMEXEC {297 219 SETPOS } 250 ALARMEXEC {280 229 SETPOS } 300 AL...
Sound Auto On/Off Article rated 5.0/5.0
This script works very well when you need different sounds in different rooms. It plays upon entering and stops on leave. Great for tours! Written and donated by: Master Atos **********************...
SpH Flash Arcade Article not rated yet
** Make the door very large, then paste this script in the door and enjoy!!******** ON OUTCHAT { ;Set embid to the spot ID of your embeded door embid GLOBAL 1 embid = ;Thrown together by ...
Stand Alone Embed YouTube Article rated 1.0/5.0
This script goes into the door you would like your Youtube embed into. view sourceprint?ON INCHAT { videobot GLOBAL {{"$2?autoplay=1&fs=1&autohide=...
Swear Blocker by kurosaki Article rated 5.0/5.0
ON OUTCHAT { ; ^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v| ;^v^v^v^v^SWEAR BLOCK^v^v^v^v^v^v| ;^v^v^BY KUROSAKI ^v^v^v^v^v^^v^v^v| ^v^v^THANKS TO PAWN^v^v^v^v^v^^| ;^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v| ...
Time Out Room Article rated 5.0/5.0
*** Pay attention to room number in this script and assign accordingly, also change the palace addy and room number to reflect the time out room and your palace address*** ROOM ID 174 PRIVATE ...
Tour Scripts Article rated 5.0/5.0
Tour Scripts This page is designed to show you how you can setup an automated tour in your palace. One thing Ive seen that I like is a spotpic in a door that "talks" to you. It will...
Transfer Scripts Article rated 3.7/5.0
;bounce script: ON SIGNON {"Hi, there, " USERNAME & "! Welcome to The DropZone! Hold on while we send you to the Main Gate!" & LOCALMSG { 115 GOTOROOM } 320 ALARMEXEC }...
New age script Article not rated yet
ON ENTER{ { { "" SAY} {"I am not old enough for this place" SAY "palace://" GOTOURL} " 1. Ask to whisper. 2. slave...
On Enter Agreement Rules Article not rated yet
Change the SP in front of Home Rules to your palace name and change the name on #5. You can edit the other test as desired. ON ENTER{ { { "" SAY} {"I am not old enough for t...

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