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Pchat Commands

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Hover mouse on each icon for information

Built in Commands

User Commands

~name <username>
changes your name.
logs propid's of currently worn props.
logs all prop names of currently worn props.
~goto <roomid>
sends you to room.
~rmsg <messege>
room messege.
tells you roomid.
~av <propids>
dresses you in props.
cleans room of paint and props.
reloads all current room media.

Operator Commands

~selectdoorindex <index>
selects and opens door info of the door index passed.
~selectdoorid <id>
selects and opens door info of the door id passed.
~deletedoorindex <index>
deletes door of the door index passed.
~deletedoorid <id>
deletes door of the door id passed.
~gmsg <messege>
global server messege.
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Article details
Article ID: 95
Category: SERVER / PCHAT Commands
Date added: 04-04-2011 05:03:11
Views: 1822
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (2)

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