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WS_FTP Configuration Tutorial

This tutorial will provide an overview of FTP and show you how to use WS_FTP LE to connect to files located in your SpH Palace. .

FTP Overview

FTP--or file transfer protocol--is used to transfer files between computers on the Internet. The remote computer that provides FTP access is called the FTP server. You can connect to the FTP server from your computer (called the local computer) using an FTP client. Windows comes with a text-based FTP client, but some users are uncomfortable with the interface. This tutorial describes WS_FTP LE--a graphical FTP client that is free for academic use.


The remainder of this tutorial will show you how to use WS_FTP LE.

1 Find WS_FTP LE on your start menu and launch it.

Start Menu

2 The default session properties screen is shown below. To connect to your SpH Palace:

    Creating a New Session Profile
    1. Click "New" and enter a descriptive name in the "Profile Name" field.
    2. In the "Host Name/Address" field, add the name (or numeric address supplied by an SpH Tech) of the server you are accessing .
    3. Leave "Host Type" as Automatic detect.
    4. Enter your login name in the "User ID" field.
    5. Enter your password in the "Password" field blank. If you leave the password field blank, WS_FTP LE will prompt you for your password when you attempt to log in to the server.
    6. Leave the "Account" field blank.
    7. You may optionally add a descriptive comment to the "Comment" field.
    8. Click "Apply" to save your settings.
    9. Click "OK" to connect.

Default Session Properties

3 If the "Password" field in the session properties was blank, WS_FTP LE wil prompt you for the password. Enter your password to connect to the remote server. Then click "OK" to continue.

Password Prompt

4 Once you have logged in, you will see window similar to the one shown below. The files shown on the left hand side of the screen are the files on your local computer. The files on the right hand side of the screen are the files on the server you are connected to.

    Transferring Files
    1. Use the file explorer on the left hand side of the screen to navigate through folders on your computer.
    2. Use the file explorer on the right hand side of the screen to navigate through folders on the remote server.
    3. In the center of the screen you will see the radio buttons "ASCII" and "Binary". You must select either "ASCII" or "Binary" depending on the type of file you are transferring. If the file is plain text (.txt, .html, .c, .cpp, .java, ...) you should use "ASCII." If the file is not plain text (.doc, .exe, .class, .jpg, .gif, ...) you should use "Binary." If you are not sure what type a file should be, you can click "Auto" and WS_FTP LE will attempt to make the correct decision for you. This is useful when transferring folders since folders may contain a mix of both plain text and binary files.
    4. You can use the "-->" and "<--" buttons to transfer files and folders between computers. You can also simply drag a file (or folder) from one computer and drop it into the file list of the other computer.
    5. When finished, you can click "Close" to return to the session manager, or "Exit" to exit WS_FTP LE.

Password Prompt


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Article details
Article ID: 91
Category: Programs & Server Information
Date added: 04-04-2011 04:56:45
Views: 897
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.0/5.0 (4)

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