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Set Rank Information

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The setrank command is something that came out with the new servers to specify which commands you can delegate to whom. The first thing to remember is that...

1=registered client
2=wizard (operator)
3=god (owner)

After you remember those, the rest is easy. There is one command that for personal reasons I do not allow in my palaces and that is the 'pin command. I just think it is degrading and if you cant talk to them in a whisper, or allscray them off to a private room to talk to them, then they dont need to be in my palace. For this reason, Ive made the 'pin command a god only command. My wizards dont have the ability to pin anyone. To set that up, I typed....

'setrank 'pin 3

That tells the server Im doing the setrank command, the specific command I want is the 'pin command and that I want a god only to be able to use it.

If you god up, and type 'help on the command line, you will see.....

*** ; `setrank `command [rank] - Set or see rank for `command
'setrank 'pin 3

If you type 'showranks on the command line, you will get a list of all the commands and what they are set to right now in the log.

*** ; 'help 0
*** ; 'sitepage 0
*** ; 'page 0
*** ; 'hide 1
*** ; 'unhide 1
*** ; 'hidefrom 1
*** ; 'unhidefrom 1
*** ; 'respond 1
*** ; 'mute 1
*** ; 'unmute 1
*** ; 'rejectesp 1
*** ; 'rejectpri 1
*** ; 'newroom 1
*** ; 'rname 1
*** ; 'rdelete 1
*** ; 'rpicture 1
*** ; 'rowner 1
*** ; 'rkick 1
*** ; 'runkick 1
*** ; 'rpassword 1
*** ; 'rclose 1
*** ; 'ropen 1
*** ; 'rscripts 1
*** ; 'rpainting 1
*** ; 'rguests 1
*** ; 'rhide 1
*** ; 'runhide 1
*** ; 'password 1
*** ; 'repage 2
*** ; 'er 2
*** ; 'list 2
*** ; 'glist 2
*** ; 'paint 2
*** ; 'bots 3 (2)
*** ; 'death 2
*** ; 'flood 2
*** ; 'duplicate 3 (2)
*** ; 'delete 3 (2)
*** ; 'banlist 2
*** ; 'purgebanlist 3 (2)
*** ; 'unban 2
*** ; 'untrack 2
*** ; 'banip 2
*** ; 'trackip 2
*** ; 'banuser 2
*** ; 'kill 2
*** ; 'track 2
*** ; 'comment 2
*** ; 'extend 2
*** ; 'gag 2
*** ; 'ungag 2
*** ; 'pin 3 (2)
*** ; 'unpin 3 (2)
*** ; 'propgag 2
*** ; 'unpropgag 2
*** ; 'sortprops 2
*** ; 'purgeprops 3 (2)
*** ; 'autoannounce 3 (2)
*** ; 'roommaxocc 3 (2)
*** ; 'roommaxguests 2
*** ; 'operatorcount 2
*** ; 'defaultpaneurl 2
*** ; 'paneurl 2
*** ; 'displayurl 2
*** ; 'reset 3
*** ; 'ban 3
*** ; 'recycle 3
*** ; 'shutdown 3
*** ; 'operatorpass 3
*** ; 'ownerpass 3
*** ; 'servername 3
*** ; 'maxocc 3
*** ; 'defaultroomocc 3
*** ; 'picdir 3
*** ; 'guestaccess 3
*** ; 'customprops 3
*** ; 'allowoperators 3
*** ; 'operatorkill 3
*** ; 'playerkill 3
*** ; 'spoof 3
*** ; 'memberrooms 3
*** ; 'operatorsonly 3
*** ; 'uplist 3
*** ; 'downlist 3
*** ; 'dropzone 3
*** ; 'botkill 3
*** ; 'authoring 3
*** ; 'purgelimit 3
*** ; 'passwordsec 3
*** ; 'killprop 3
*** ; 'savesessionkeys 3
*** ; 'fileserver 3
*** ; 'avatarurl 3
*** ; 'chatlog 3
*** ; 'nowhisper 3
*** ; 'rev 3
*** ; 'flushprops 3
*** ; 'security 3
*** ; 'securesite 3
*** ; 'securelogoff 3
*** ; 'securejavaaccess 3
*** ; 'poundprotect 3
*** ; 'poundcheckinterval 3
*** ; 'setrank 3
*** ; 'pin 3
*** ; 'propcontrol 3
*** ; 'reportprefs 3
*** ; 'pinprop 3
*** ; 'entrypage 3
*** ; 'allowedurls 3
*** ; 'roomsfile 3
*** ; 'showranks 3

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Article details
Article ID: 309
Category: Owner Area
Date added: 12-16-2011 22:51:21
Views: 1108
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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