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Censor Script ( GLOBAL )

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Censor Script.

censor GLOBAL
{ [ "fuck" "shit" "bitch" "whore" "cunt" "penis" "nigga" "f u c k" " tits"
"nigger" "fuk" "asshole" "cocksucker" "dickhead" "bastard" "suck my" "fukk"
] badwords =
badwords length nocuss = 0 i =
{ badwords i GET cuss =
"Sorry, but that language isn't allowed on this server. Please refrain from swearing while you chat." LOCALMSG
1 i + i = } { i nocuss < } WHILE
} censor DEF
ON OUTCHAT { censor GLOBAL censor EXEC }

If you put the above script at your entrance, and then put the last line in other rooms, those rooms will be censored too.

ON OUTCHAT { censor GLOBAL censor EXEC }

Remember, the person must go to the first room with the script for this to take effect in the other rooms containing just the last line.

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Article details
Article ID: 306
Category: Room Scripts
Date added: 12-16-2011 20:18:43
Views: 413
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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