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Compress Picture File Size in PSP

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Using the JPG opimization wizard

How to reduce file sizes for Web publication with the JPEG format using the JPEG Optimizer.

If you are using Paint Shop Pro 7 to create your Web graphics, you can reduce your images file sizes by exporting them to the JPG format using our JPEG Optimizer.

The JPEG format is used to make photograph quality images smaller (in file size) for quicker download times. If the image looks like a photograph use the JPEG Optimizer as follows:

1. Open Paint Shop Pro and the image you want to optimize.

2. Choose File > Export > JPEG Optimizer from the menu. The JPEG Optimizer will open. The upper right image is a preview of what the optimized image will look like with the current settings. Under the image is the file size of the final image with the current settings.

3. To reduce file size change the compression value to a higher number until the image in the preview window starts looking bad, then bring the number back down slightly until the image looks good again. As the compression number gets higher the image will look worse, but the file size will decrease proportionally.

4. Once you have found a good compression value click the Download Times tab and find the File Size and the download times for different modems (this is optional).

5. Click OK at the bottom and you will see a Save As dialog. In this window, give the file a name and choose the directory you want to save in and click OK.

6. The file you just saved is now a .jpg file and is compressed to the file size you chose during Step 3.

You have just exported a COPY of the file you were working on in Paint Shop Pro 7. The original file is still open in the Paint Shop Pro window and has not been saved. If you desire to save the image as something other than a JPEG file for editing later you will need to do so before you close the image.

For more information please see our tutorial on Optimizing Images at:

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Article details
Article ID: 278
Category: Tutorials - Picture/Images
Date added: 07-30-2011 22:24:22
Views: 1627
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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