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Providing Script Error Information

Solution Here is a suggestion how to provide enough information for another person to find problems with your scripts. It assumes that you are using the latest clients which provide error messages when they detect a scripting error.

What should you do?

The information provided in error messages is often insufficient to understand the error and resolve it. In order for someone to help you, you need to provide them with both the error message and the portion of the script indicated by the error message.

1. Determine the source of the problem.

The error message will include something like "user provided script" or "server provided script". If you get the first type, the problem is in your cyborg.ipt file. If you get the second type the problem is in a room script on the server (these are the ones that can cause you to lose rooms).

2. Determine where the error is occuring

Open the source file (cyborg.ipt with a text editor or room script with Authoring).

Look for the portion of the script where it contains the text included in the error message. This may may not be as easy as it sounds. First, what is cited in the error message might be the end of one line of text and the start of another. Second, there might be comments in the script at this same place which were not included in the error message.

For example, the error message might say the error occured at:
"...GREPSTR IF { EXIT} initOK NOT..."

However, the script might look like:
{ EXIT } initOK NOT ...

Or it might look like:
; some number of comments starting with the character ";"
{ EXIT } initOK NOT ....

3. Copy the portion of the script around the area indicated by the error message.

Include the portion of the script starting several lines before it matched the error message and ending several lines after it matched the error message. If you're not sure how much of it to send, more is better than less.

4. Provide the error message and the portion of the script indicated by the error message.
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Article details
Article ID: 217
Category: Iptscrae Defined
Date added: 07-11-2011 20:07:24
Views: 340
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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