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BadBoy 1.0.2 README

BadBoy is a palace server plugin that locks a certain user in a room,
it locks the user by their RegHash, IP Address and Name

It was developed by Martyn Gilbertson


The following installation instructions assume that the Palace server
has been installed in /usr/local/palace.

BadBoy is a standard Palace server plugin. It is installed by
placing the plugin, in the Palace binary folder,
/usr/local/palace/bin, and adding the following line to the plugin
configuration file: /usr/local/palace//psdata/plugin.conf

bin/badboy/ psdata/badboy.list roomid

The badboy list file is created in /usr/local/palace//psdata.
Note that badboy reads and writes to this file. Therefore, it cannot be edited.

the roomid is the roomid for which the user will be sent to.

God Commands:

badboy adds the following wiz commands to the Palace server.

`badboy help - display this message.
`badboy list - list the badboys.
`badboy free [hash/ip/whisper] - free a person in the badboy room/list.
`badboy jail [whisper] - send user to the badboy room for unlimited time limit.
`badboy jail for [time] [whisper] - send user to the badboy room for a time limit.
`badboy roomid [id] - set the badboy roomid.
change [id] to 108
NOTE>>>>> that you need to reset the roomid after every palace restart

you may 'setrank `badboy


fixed minor bugs

updated 'badboy jail to kill for unlimited time instead of server death time
changed the format of help for better reading.

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Article details
Article ID: 133
Category: Plugins
Date added: 04-20-2011 23:39:07
Views: 1499
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (2)

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