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Simple Room Scripts

Solution Here are some simple scripts to paste into spots/doors...

;Make a wav sound play/download when a user enters this room

ON ENTER { "sound.wav" SOUND }

;Make a wav sound play/download when the user selects this door

ON SELECT { "sound.wav" SOUND }

;Make the user goto a website when they select this door


;Make the user goto another palace when they select this door

ON SELECT { "palace://" NETGOTO }

;Make the user play a MIDI sound when they select this door, works with both PCs and most Macs

ON SELECT { { "sound.mid" MIDIPLAY } { "sound.mid" SOUND } DATETIME 0 > IFELSE }

;Send an announcement to every user when they enter this room

ON ENTER { "My message" LOCALMSG }

;Send a goodbye notice to anyone leaving

ON LEAVE { "Good bye " USERNAME + "!" + LOCALMSG }

;Send a message when a user selects this door

ON SELECT { "My message" LOCALMSG }
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Article details
Article ID: 120
Category: Room Scripts
Date added: 04-14-2011 02:32:13
Views: 790
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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